第1章 スーダンの多様な自然

1-1. 地形

1-2. 地質

1-3. 気候

1-4. 植生

1-5. 地下水

1-6. ナイル川

1-7. 青ナイル川

1-8. 白ナイル川

1-9. アトバラ川

1-10. ナイル川の中州

第2章 様々な水関連施設

2-1. ダム

2-2. 灌漑施設

2-3. ハフィール

2-4. 井戸

2-5. 浄水場

2-6. 海水淡水化施設

第3章 地方と都市の水事情

3-1. 地方給水

3-2. 都市給水

3-3. ミネラルウォーター

3-4. 漏水

第4章 各州の水事情

4-1. 北部州

4-2. 紅海州

4-3. カッサラ州

4-4. センナール州

4-5. 白ナイル州

4-6. 青ナイル州

4-7. 南コルドファン州

4-8. ダルフール地方(1)

4-9. ダルフール地方(2)

4-10. ダルフール地方(3)

4-11. 画期的なハワタプロジェクト




第1章 スーダンの多様な自然

1-1. 地形
  1. G.E.Wickens (1976) ; The Flora of Jebel Marra and its Geographical Affinities
  2. Michelin Map (2011) ; Africa North East, Arabia
  3. Mt. Marr (2012) ; Landsat Kasmir Satelite Photo
  4. Paul Clammer (2007) ; Sudan THE BRADT TRAVEL GUIDE
  5. UNEP (2009) ; Sudan, Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment
1-2. 地質
  1. A.J. Whiteman ; The Geology of The SUDAN REPUBLIC ; CLARENDON PRESS ・ OXFORD 1971
  2. A.J.Whiteman(1971) ; The Geology of the Sudan Republic
  3. G.E.Wickens(1976) ; The Flora of Jebel Marra and its Geographical Affinities
  4. Hydrogeological Map of Sudan(1989) ; National Corporation for Development of Rural Water Resources
  5. Marianne Alker(2006) ; The Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System
  6. Martin H Trauth(2006) ; Geological Atlas of Africa(2008)
  7. Wikipedia ; Gondwana Triassic
  8. (財)国際ウラン鉱物資源開発協力協会(2002) ; 資源開発環境調査、スーダン共和国
  9. 石田聖(2006) ; 東アフリカの石油・天然ガス
  10. 岩本寿一他(1974) ; 東アフリカ石油資源開発基礎調査団報告、石油技術協会誌
  11. 都城秋穂(1988) ; 世界の地質
1-3. 気候
  1. Sudan Meteorological Autholity(2011) ; Sudan Seasonal Monitor, Issue (1) June 2011
  2. UNEP (2009) ; Sudan, Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment
  3. USFS Web Site ; Famine Early Warning Systems Network,A Climate Trend Analysis of Sudan
  4. World Trade(2012) ; Preceptation Map of Sudan
1-4. 植生
  1. Mahmoud Ahmed Mahmoud Et Al(1995) Country Report To The Fao International Technical Conference On Plant Genetic Resources
  2. UNEP (2009) ; Sudan, Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment
  3. 宍戸健一(2011) ; ブログスーダン日記「ヌバ山へ、ヌバ山のNGO]
  4. 吉岡邦二(1973) ; 植物地理学(生態学口座12)
1-5. 地下水
  1. Abdeen Mustafa Omer (2013) ; Sustainable Water Resources Management, Future Demands and Adaptation Strategies in Sudan
  2. Adil Elkrail, Adam Hamid, Bashir Obied (2012) ; Hydrochemistry of groundwater at Omdurman area Khatoum state, Sudan
  3. Eltigani Bashier (2013) ; Establishment of Groundwater Monitoring Systems and Productive Utilization of Saline Water in Semi-arid Area
  4. Gamal Abdo and Abdin Salih (2012) ; Challenges Facing Groundwater Management in Sudan
  5. Hopkins Peter (2007) ; Kanana Handbook of Sudan
  6. Hydrogeological Map of Sudan (1989) ; National Corporation for Development of Rural Water Resources
  7. Marianne Alker (2007) ; The Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System,A case study for the research project, “Transboundary groundwater management in africa”
  8. Stephen Foster and Daniel P. Loucks (2006) ; Non-Renewable Groundwater Resources, a guidebook on socially-sustainable management for water-policy makers (UNESCO)
  9. Tyalla El Medani (2009) ; An Overview on Drilling Operations in Sudan
  10. UNDP (2007) ; Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS),Techinical Baseline meeting
  11. Yahia Abdel Mageed (2007) ; Water Resource Management and Development in the Republic of Sudan
1-6. ナイル川
  1. Map of Rwanda
  2. Nile Basin Initiative (2013) ; The Nile River
  3. Wikipedia (2010) ; Nile
  4. 世界の大河 (1980) ; リーダーズダイジェスト社
  5. 理科年表 (2013) ; 丸善
1-7. 青ナイル川
  1. American University (2013) ; Trade and Environment Database ; Blue Nile
  2. J.V.Sutcliffe and Y.P.Parks (1999) ; The Hydrology of the Nile
  3. UNEP (2009) ; Sudan, Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment
  4. Wikipedia (2010) ; Blue Nile
1-8. 白ナイル川
  1. J.V.Sutcliffe and Y.P.Parks (1999) ; The Hydrology of the Nile
  2. UNEP (2009) ; Sudan, Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment
  3. Wikipedia (2010) ; White Nile
1-9. アトバラ川
  1. J.V.Sutcliffe and Y.P.Parks (1999) ; The Hydrology of the Nile
  2. UNEP (2009) ; Sudan, Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment
  3. Wikipedia (2010) ; Atbara River
1-10. ナイル川の中州
  1. Michelin Map (2011) ; Africa North East, Arabia
  2. Nile Basin Initiative (2013) ; The Nile River
  3. Wikipedia (2Yahia Abdel Mageed(2007) ; Water Resource Management and Development in the Republic of Sudan013) ; Aba island, Tuti Island, Agro Island, Badien Island
  4. Wikipedia (2013) ; 中洲

第2章 様々な水関連施設

2-1. ダム
  1. Hydropower Water for Africa(2002) ; The art of irrigation
  2. National Electricity Corporation(2008) ; Sudan Experience in Efficient Electrical Energy
  3. UNEP (2009) ; Sudan, Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment
  4. Web Site of Sudan Dam Implementation Unit, Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity
  5. Wikipedia(2010) ; Merowe Dam
  6. Yahia Abdel Mageed(2007) ; Water Resource Management and Development in the Republic of Sudan
2-2. 灌漑施設
  1. Bret Wallach(2004) ; Irrigation in Sudan since Independence
  2. Home Page of the Embassy of Sudan(2011) ; Agricultureof Sudan
  3. JETRO(2009) ; Kenana Sugar Company
  4. Sudan Irrigated Agriculture (1991) ; The Library of Congress Country Studies and the CIA World Facebook
  5. UNEP (2009) ; Sudan, Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment
2-3. ハフィール
  1. UNEP (2009) ; Sudan, Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment
  2. UNICEF(2009) ; Technical Gudelines for the Construction and Management of Improved Hafirs
2-4. 井戸
  1. UNEP (2009) ; Sudan, Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment
  2. UNICEF(2009) ; Technical Gudelines for the Construction and Management of Borehole Water Yards
  3. UNICEF(2010) ; Technical Gudelines for the Construction and Management of Hand Dugwell and Hand Pumps
  4. UNICEF(2011) ; Technical Gudelines for the Construction and Management of Borehole Hand Pumps
2-5. 浄水場
  1. PWC(2010) ; Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Policy
  2. UNEP (2009) ; Sudan, Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment
  3. UNICEF(2009) ; Technical Gudelines for the Construction and Management of Drinking Water Treatment Plants
2-6. 海水淡水化施設
  1. UNEP (2009) ; Sudan, Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment

第3章 地方と都市の水事情

3-1. 地方給水
  1. PWC(2010) ; Water and Sanitation Policy of North Sudan
3-2. 都市給水
  1. PWC(2010) ; Water and Sanitation Policy of North Sudan
  2. PWC(2010) ; Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Policy
3-3. ミネラルウォーター
  1. Hago M. Abdel Magid(2008) ; Situation Analysis of Bottled Drinking Water Quality in Sudan
  2. Soba Bottled Water & Refreshment Co(2011) ; Ltd. Natural Drinking Water
3-4. 漏水現状
  1. PWC(2010) ; Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Policy
  2. UNICEF(2009) ; Technical Gudelines for the Construction and Management of Drinking Water Distribution Networks
3-5. 水道料金徴収
  1. PWC(2010) ; Water and Sanitation Policy of North Sudan
  2. PWC(2010) ; Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Policy

第4章 各州の水事情

4-1. 北部州
  1. Public Water Corporation (2011) ; Hydrogeological Map of Northern State and River Nile State
  2. Public Water Corporation (2011) ; Northern State Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Sector Strategic Plan 2011-2016
4-2. 紅海州
  1. Public Water Corporation (2011) ; Red Sea State Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Sector Strategic Plan 2011-2016
  2. NWC(2006) ; Port Sudan Water Supply Project Scheme Design
4-3. カッサラ州
  1. Kassala SWC(2007) ; Gash Sustainable Livelihoods Regeneration Project
  2. Kassala SWC(2009) ; Mid-term Review of Kassala State Strategic Plan
  3. Public Water Corporation (2011) ; Kassala State Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Sector Strategic Plan 2011-2016
  4. Setait Dam ; Sudan Dams Implementation Unit Web Site
  5. UNDP(2009) ; Kassala State Situation Analysis
4-4. センナール州
  1. Public Water Corporation (2011) ; Sennar State Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Sector Strategic Plan 2011-2016
4-5. 白ナイル州
  1. Public Water Corporation (2011) ; White Nile State Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Sector Strategic Plan 2011-2016
4-6. 青ナイル州
  1. Blue Nile State Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Sector Strategic Plan 2011-2016
  2. Public Water Corporation(2009) ; Development of Strategic Plan of Blue Nile State
  3. UNDP(2009) ; Blue Nile State Situation Analysis
4-7. 南コルドファン州
  1. Public Water Corporation (2011) ; South Kordofan State Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Sector Strategic Plan 2011-2016
  2. Public Water Corporation (2011) ; South Kordofan State Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Sector Strategic Plan 2011-2016
  3. UNDP(2009); South Kordofan State Situation Analysis
4-8~10. ダルフール地方 (1)-(3)
  1. Michael Kevane(2007) ; Rainfall in Darfur prior to the conflict of 2003
  2. Preliminary Rapid Assessment of Water Resources
  3. Public Water Corporation (2011) ; North Darfur State Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Sector Strategic Plan 2011-2016
  4. Public Water Corporation (2011) ; South Darfur State Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Sector Strategic Plan 2011-2016
  5. Public Water Corporation (2011) ; West Dasrfur State Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Sector Strategic Plan 2011-2016
  6. UNICEF(2008) ; UNICEF, PWC & WES Sector Partners, Darfur's IDPs
4-11. 画期的なハワタプロジェクト
  1. Hawata SWC(2012) ; History of the Hawata Project
  2. Public Water Corporation (2011) ; Gedaref State Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Sector Strategic Plan 2011-2016"